Ron Rigby was a member of CANWOS for many years before his death in 2017. He maintained his own web site for many of those years, reflecting his own expertise growing orchids as well as his interest in orchid history.

For most of that time, the CANWOS web site has cited it under it 'useful links' section.

Following his death there was an expectation that his Internet Sservice Provider would cancel the site once his subscription expired, so his family supplied the source code for his site to CANWOS.

The version presented here is a partial re-write of that code but the information content has not been altered. The 'Highlights of Orchid History' came as a single document in both .pdf and .doc forms, both of which are available here.

The Eulogy from his funeral is also included as it presents a fascinating picture of life in the early 20th century.

Ron being 'interviewed' about his orchid at the CANWOS meeting on 31st March 2006.

During the review of the flowering orchids brought to the meeting, a question was asked about one of Ron's orchids. Eighty nine years old, he stood up, took the microphone and answered that question but offered no further comment. One of our members, Eric Watret, sitting on the front row, saw an opportunity, took the microphone and proceeded to talk to Ron. To the delight of all present, with gentle questioning Eric kept the conversation going for nearly ten minutes. It was a moment to savour!

The cover image for the order of service at his cremation