This species must be one of the earliest on record, shown as recorded by R.A. Salisbury, ex Linn., Trans., Linn.Soc. London. 1:77 (1791). It has over the years been given many other names (syns’):
Crisanthes parviflorum; Cyp. assergens; Cyp.aureum; Cyp.bifidum; Cyp. biflorum; Cyp. calceolos; Cyp. calceolus var parviflorum; Cyp. calceolus; Cyp. furcatum; Cyp.parviflorum var makasin; Cyp. pubescens var makasin; Cyp. undorum; Cyp. veganum.
Early flowerings were known in the U.K. ; Canada; Newfoundland; Georgia; New Mexico & Arizona.
When grown outdoors it needs a shady location in the shelter of low branches of trees or shrubs in a rich, well drained humus with a moisture retentive element. Indoors a cool environment with shade,& good air movement.