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Welcome to the Cheshire and North Wales Orchid Society website !


We are a group of enthusiasts who meet to share our enjoyment of orchids.
Membership is open to anyone who is interested.
Beginners are very welcome!
Web site last update - 19th June 2024

PRIVACY: This is a passive web site whose purpose is to share information with Society members and the public at large. We do not use cookies; we collect no data.

Update emails for 19th June 2024

Hello everyone, I apologise that this email is so late.

OUR NEXT MEETING will be on Friday 21st June 2024 at St Mary’s Church Hall, opening at 7pm.

At 7.30pm, I will start to tell you how we got on at NEC-Gardeners’ World Live- International Orchid Show.  Bits of it are ‘interesting’ as in the Chinese curse but do not worry, some of it is good!  I have some photographs – though they might not be really slickly presented – and I hope some of the others who attended will join in the report.

It would be good to have a discussion on the meeting program for next season.  I have already booked Andrew Banister from Orchid Alchemy to speak to us at the September 21st meeting on ‘Growing Orchids without Heat’ (or words to that effect).  He will bring plants for sale – these will be youngish but well established seedlings.  I have bought quite a few of his over the years.

I would also like to have a discussion about social media – I think we need volunteers to organise this which is code for ‘I do not understand it!

We can then do some of our usual activities, admiring the plant table and- importantly – talking about it, discussing the flowers and how to grow the plants.  We will have a raffle – prizes welcome – and, if needed, a members’ plant sale (please let me know in advance if you wish to sell anything!)  We might even chat amongst ourselves!

We do not yet have a volunteer to do the teas.

Celia and I will be eating in The Ship Inn beforehand ie 5.45pm.  If you would like to join us there, please let me know as soon as possible so I can book the table.

Best wishes


Iain Wright

Public Contact, CANWOS

PS Apologies to Ciaran from Chester Zoo whose email I accidentally deleted irretrievably. Please resend your email or just come to a meeting!

Programme for 2023/2024 season

Friday 15thSeptember
The Orchids of Costa Rica

Michael Radley

Friday 20th October Meeting cancelled due to extremly bad weather.

Friday 17th November The AGM
+ Youtube videos about orchids
- a careful selection

Friday 19th January Orchids and other attractions of the Cape area of South Africa

Friday 16th February An open discussion on aspects of orchid culture

Friday 15th March Choosing CANWOS photographs for the BOC Photographic Competition.

Friday 19th April To be announced

Friday 17th May To be announced

Friday 21st June To be announced

Early July ?To be announced
Friday 13th September
with other delights

Contact us

Click here.

British Orchid Council Our national organisation for orchid growing. There are lots of links here to other orchid societies around the country.
Latest BOC Update Newsletter Clicking this link will open the latest BOC Update Newsletter in a new window.
Plants of the World The Kew database of species plants.
Search by genus or species.
Jay Pfahl's Orchid Photographs For photographs of orchid species,this is the place for you. Access the photos of over 24,186 orchids.
The International Orchid Register Search the database of registered hybrids.
Use full or partial names to identify parents and children of a grex.
Orchid History Ron Rigby's site - with lots of information on the history of orchid growing is now back.

Where We Meet

We use the hall just behind St Mary's Church on Overleigh Road, just South of the River Dee.

The post code for the Church is CH4 7HL.

View Google Map

local map

The church is an imposing building and easily spotted, whether you approach from the city center by way of the old bridge ...
from the east

... or from the west by way of the new bridge or the Wrexham road / A55 junction.
from the west

The hall is directly behind the church and hardly visible from the road.
Go down the driveway between a telephone kiosk and the church itself and turn right.
The drive way


We meet at St Mary's Church Hall, Handbridge, Chester CH4 7HL, usually on the third Friday of the month but not in December, July or August. The Hall is open from 7.00pm.

Members are encouraged to bring their plants in flower to each meeting. There is a wealth of information within the Society and it is our tradition that this is shared freely amongst members.

We send an email to all our members about ten days before our regular meetings, to remind them what is on and to pass on other information. We are happy to send these to non-members and potential visitors - please use the index tab () to reach the 'Contact Us' section.

At most meetings there is a raffle. Members often donate orchid plants. Refreshments such as tea and coffee are available during the evening, usually immediately after the speaker.

We have a library that contains many books suitable for both beginners and experts. Members can borrow books for one month and can browse the reference books, which cannot be loaned out.

Plants & Auction

At meetings where plants are not for sale by the evening's speaker, members may offer their own orchid plants for sale.  A 20% seller's premium is levied and donated to the Society.

Each year we hold an auction where members buy and sell plants. Typically, about eighty plants are sold each year, usually at very advantageous prices. A seller's and buyer's premium operates (10% for each) and the proceeds are donated to the Society. This is an excellent way to extend a collection and try new types of orchid.


The annual subscription is currently £12. We no longer offer double or family membership. Subscriptions are normally paid to the Membership Secretary at or just after the October meeting.

Charitable Status

CANWOS registered with the the Charity Commission in 1993 but surrendered its registration in 2011.  It is now a "Charity exempt from the need to register".  Tax paying members can still benefit the Society by making a Gift Aid declaration. Details can be obtained from the Treasurer at any of the meetings.

Membership & Affiliation

The Society is a member of the British Orchid Council (BOC) and sends two representatives to its meetings. CANWOS is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and members can use some of the benefits available.


A copy of our present Constitution is available for downloading by clicking on CANWOS Constitution. This was last revised at our 2012 AGM.